Welcome to the Resource Library of project BESST — your one-stop destination for essential tools and guidance on safeguarding in sport. On this page, you’ll find a comprehensive collection of downloadable documents, guidelines, definitions, and templates tailored to support safe practices in sports environments. Our free-to-use safeguarding resources are designed to help sports organisations at all levels understand, educate, and implement best practices. Explore a variety of materials covering policy-making, template codes, reporting protocols, prevention strategies, and awareness-building tools, ensuring that all members of the sports community have the knowledge to foster a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment.
Unified definition of safeguarding
Assessment of safeguarding level of European sports organisations and event organisers
Legal framework for policies and procedures
Awareness & Education Toolkit
11 Myths About Safe Sport and Safeguarding

Myth Cards
11 individual myth cards in .png image—each highlights a single myth and fact pair, ideal for sharing in presentations or as standalone resources.
Full Collection and Background Information
A comprehensive document (Word/PDF) debunking 11 common myths about safeguarding in sport, with corresponding facts to clarify misunderstandings.
Foldable Leaflet
A compact, two-sided leaflet that can be printed or distributed digitally, summarizing all myths and facts for easy reference.
Safeguarding (in) Sport at a Glance

A one-page introduction that provides a concise overview of safeguarding principles and the importance of a safe sport culture. This is ideal for onboarding new members or as a quick informational reference.
A3 Poster
A visually engaging poster, printable in A3 size, designed to be displayed in sport facilities, offices, or training venues to continuously reinforce safeguarding messages.
Short Animated Video
A concise animated video that introduces the concept of transgressive behaviour and emphasizes the importance of shifting towards a culture of safety and respect in sport.
Short Acted Videos on Transgressive Behaviours
A series of short, subtitled videos addressing three distinct types of transgressive behaviour. Available in multiple languages, these videos serve as impactful awareness and training aids for diverse audiences.
Social Media Tools
Social Media Cards
A set of media-friendly graphics for a social media campaign, designed to raise awareness and spark conversation around safeguarding. These cards make it easy to share critical messages on social platforms, reaching a broad audience effectively.
Animated Videos in Social Media Formats
A video explaining transgressive behaviour and safeguarding in sport in square, portrait and wide for various use on social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc).
Complete Awareness Toolkit
Full toolkit as .zip folder
Includes the 11 Myths About Safe Sport and Safeguarding, the tools from Safeguarding (in) Sport at a Glance and the Social Media Tools.
Education Toolkit
Position Paper for Advancing Safety and Safeguarding in Sport
PDF document
A detailed document outlining key recommendations and strategies for enhancing safety and safeguarding measures in sports. Also available in Word format and a digital presentation format for easy sharing and discussion.
Word document
A detailed document outlining key recommendations and strategies for enhancing safety and safeguarding measures in sports. Available in Word format for easy sharing and discussion.
PowerPoint Slides
A detailed document outlining key recommendations and strategies for enhancing safety and safeguarding measures in sports. Available in digital presentation format for easy sharing and discussion.
BESST Presentation and Webinars
PowerPoint Slides
A comprehensive PowerPoint presentation covering the BESST project, including its conceptual framework, challenges faced by European sports organisations, and fundamental principles for effective safe sport measures. This resource is ideal for workshops, seminars, or internal training sessions.
Webinar for EOA Members
In this insightful webinar, project BESST experts Andreja McQuarrie Oly and Daniela Negreda present the key findings from BESST to members of the European Olympic Academies (EOA).
BESST Key Findings
This leaflet summarises insights from desk research, surveys, and interviews with National Olympic Committees (NOCs), National Federations (NFs), and event organisers. Dive into our 15 key findings highlighting the challenges, opportunities, and critical steps needed to build safer sporting environments across Europe.
Video Statements from Stakeholders
A collection of video statements from various stakeholders in the sport sector discussing the importance of safeguarding. This includes a combined short video available on YouTube, along with snippets of individual statements that can be shared across platforms to highlight diverse dimensions of safeguarding.
The video collection is also available on our Youtube Channel.
Complete Education Toolkit
Full toolkit as .zip folder
Includes the Position Paper in Word and PowerPoint, the BESST Presentation Slides and the Video Statements from Stakeholders.
Template: Sport Events Safeguarding Legal Framework
The Legal Framework below provides a recommended framework for adaptation and adoption by sports event organisers into their regulatory frameworks or for tailoring by the relevant sports organisations for application during their events to ensure that all those participating in the event are kept safe from harm.
Template: Job Description Event Safeguarding Officer
Understanding, defining and resourcing the roles and responsibilities of individuals before, during and after an Event will contribute to the minimisation of risk of transgressive behaviour occurring during an event and clear processes for addressing cases should they arise.
Template: Safeguarding Contact Form
All cases of emergency should be reported to the Event safeguarding lead who will take appropriate action. A list of emergency numbers should be available to all.
Template: Safe Recruitment Form
This is a form of vetting used by the Event Organiser to safeguard our Event from transgressive behaviour. All individuals applying to work/volunteer/support the Event must complete this form in full.
Template: Consent Form
Ensure proper authorisation with the Consent Form template, tailored for safeguarding and confidentiality. Designed for obtaining informed consent in compliance with legal and ethical standards.
Template: Incident Report Form
Designed to help organisations log incidents accurately for improved safety and compliance.
Template: Cautioning a Suspect in a Fact-Finding Inquiry
This template provides a structured approach to deliver cautions professionally and respectfully. Essential for safeguarding investigations that require accurate documentation and compliance.
Template: Cautioning a Witness in a Fact-Finding Inquiry
Download this template to guide witnesses effectively during safeguarding investigations. This form ensures clarity and adherence to procedural standards for witness interactions.
Template: Written Declaration
This Written Declaration should explain what a witness believed happened during the incident to which the witness has been called to submit a Written Declaration.